All bulbs burn out over time no matter what type they might be. Some burn out faster than others just as some types are more dangerous than others.
Incandescent bulbs, for instance, burn out after 2000 hours or so whereas LED ones work for as long as 50,000 hours. When it comes to safety, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure that any issue with the bulb won’t result in a home fire.
One such worry pertains to the question of whether it is safe to leave a light bulb socket partially unscrewed or empty. Sometimes, a bulb might die out at a time when you don’t have a spare. Should you remove the bulb and keep the socket open or partially unscrew it?
It is unsafe to leave a bulb partially unscrewed or empty. Doing so disrupts the flow of electricity. Also, if kids are nearby they may accidentally put something metal into the socket. Finaly, leaving a lightbulb socket empty could cause fires from a short circuit and overheating.
At the surface level, it might seem like a trivial thing but there is always a risk of it either leading to someone getting electrocuted or a home fire. How does it happen? Let’s take a look and see what the risks are and the ways you can safeguard yourself and your family.
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Why Should You Always Leave a Dead Bulb in the Socket?

Once a bulb dies out, it won’t consume any electricity. However, this doesn’t mean that you should keep a socket open. For electricity to flow, the circuit needs to be closed. So if there is no bulb in the socket, electricity won’t get transferred to the bulb.
That being said, if something is inserted into the socket, the circuit will get closed and the electricity will flow freely. This could lead to someone getting electrocuted. This is especially dangerous when there are small kids in the home as they may accidentally insert a metallic object into the socket while the power is turned ON.
There is also the danger of a short circuit occurring with some light fixtures as the flow of electricity leads to overheating. If there is nothing to dampen the heat, the wires might start melting and lead to sparks. If there are flammable materials near the light fixture, it may even result in a deadly house fire.
Something as simple as dust or a small insect can also lead to a short circuit if it gets into the socket. For these reasons, you should always leave a dead bulb in the socket until you replace it with a new one.
4 Ways to Safeguard Yourself against an Empty Light Bulb Socket
There are four things you can do to prevent any accident from occurring due to an empty light bulb socket. They are:
- Leave the Dead Bulb On – This is the most obvious thing to do if your bulb dies out. It won’t consume any electricity. On the other side, the dead bulb will protect you and your family from electrocution. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the bulb should not be broken. If it is broken or has a large crack, you can do either of the two things below.
- Cover the Socket with Electrical Tape – You can purchase electrical tape either from a store or online and use it to cover the socket. The tape will prevent chances of electrocution and keep a safe barrier between various elements and the socket.
- Use Socket Fillers – Another thing you can do is get socket fillers. These are essentially plastic caps that you can use to cover the socket. As plastic is a poor conductor of electricity, you can screw them into the socket and keep yourself and your family safe.
- Use a Bulb to Outlet Adapter – This one is for situations where the empty socket is near the ground. The adapter converts the empty socket into an outlet for charging various devices like your smartphone or your tablet.
How Can an Empty Socket Lead to Dangerous Consequences?
On the surface level, the risk of a home fire arising from an empty socket might seem like a very rare occurrence. Even if it is a 1 percent chance, it can lead to you incurring devastating losses when it does happen.
Therefore, it is an unnecessary risk to take especially since the steps to prevent it from happening are simple and cost-effective.
Here are the different ways an empty socket can lead to devastating consequences:
- An empty socket on the ceiling can electrocute small bugs and lead to sparks, which can set fire to any flammable object below.
- A table lamp that is left ON after removing the bulb may lead to a short circuit from overheating. The resulting sparks can set nearby objects on fire. This is especially dangerous if the lamp is on a study table or a reading table it is likely to have books or papers.
- Your children or pets may poke around in the socket if it’s in a reachable area and get electrocuted.
- If the socket is near your bed, you might accidentally insert your fingers into it while reaching for other devices like a phone or an alarm clock in the morning.
Light bulb sockets can carry up to 240 V of electricity, which makes them highly lethal. Depending on the time and voltage, getting electrocuted with 240 V can kill you.
This makes the risk of having an empty bulb socket a very dangerous one. Unlike regular power sockets, the point of contact is not out of reach when it comes to light bulb sockets.
As a general rule of thumb, always buy and keep a few spare bulbs so that you can immediately replace it. If for some reason, you are left without any extra bulb, follow the steps mentioned above to keep yourself and your family safe from unnecessary risks.
If that is also not possible due to some circumstances, your last bet is to ensure that the switch for the socket cannot be turned on or cutting off the supply to it.
However, this is the last resort and must be done only if all the other solutions cannot be achieved. Stay safe!